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For families and parents


"What’s Wrong With My Family" explores the problems stemming from even the healthiest to the most destructive ones. Most important, it teaches what issues within you may arise from your own family of origin, and how you can heal from the wounds. A book of hope, it shows that no matter where you came from, you can live your best life anyway.


How to Be a "Good Enough" Parent, Jason Aronson, 1987.


Chess, Stella and Alexander Thomas, Know Your Child, An Authoritative Guide For Today’s Parents, Aronson, 1994


Fraiberg, Selma H., The Magic Years, Understanding and Handling the Problems of Early Childhood, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1959.


Greenspan, Stanley and Nancy T. Greenspan, First Feelings, Milestones in the Emotional Development of Your Baby and Child From Birth to Age 4, Viking, 1985.


Siegel, Daniel J. an Mary Hartzell, Parenting From the Inside Out, How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penquin, 2003.


Helping parents and teachers understand medications for behavioral and emotional problems, Dulcan and Ballard.


The explosive child, Book by Ross W Greene


Talking back to OCD by John S March for kids.


Worry free living, Frank Minirith, Paul Meier, Don Hawkins


The power of memories, Frank Minirith.


Dawn Heubner series for kids, what to do when your brain gets stuck, what to do when you worry too much and others.


For teenagers going to college


Mental health care in the college community, Jerald Kay and Victor Schwar

Letting go

I connected parent.

Transition year. Org (online resource)



For executive functioning


Executive skills in children and adolescents. Peg dawson and Richard Guare. For pre-adolescent kids and young teenagers.

Smart but scattered for teens and preadolescent organizations. Breaking down executive functioning into smaller plans.


For people suffering from mental health disorders


The little book of mindfulness by Patricia Collard

An unquiet mind by Redfield Jamison

Peter Kramer has authored good books like should you leave, listening to Prozac and against depression-all good reads.

Five love languages by Gary Chapman recommended for couples.

Staring at the sun by Irving Yalom on perspective and its importance in healing.

Quiet your mind and get to sleep by Coleen Carney about CBT techniques that can be utilized for sleep.

Too soon old, too late smart by Gordon Livingston.

Saving normal by Allen Frances a critique on the state of modern psychiatry.

The hours by Michael Cunnigham

I never promised you a rose garden by Hannah Greene

Ordinary people by Judith Guest

The bell jar by Sylvia Plath

Your voice in my head by Emma Forrest

Waking up a guide to spirituality without religion by Sam Harris.

Bodily harm: The breakthrough-healing program for self-injuries by Conterio and Lader 1998


Other authors

Barry McDonough has numerous, talks, podcasts, YouTube videos, publications and he does a great job with anxiety and panic disorders.

Tal Ben-Shahar has many productions and focuses mainly on "bringing happiness to life."

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